
The Power of Functional Medicine


The power of functional medicine is not only to help reduce symptoms. It is also for long term prevention and ultimate healing.

Functional Medicine is not only for the chronically ill or those with chronic mysterious symptoms.

The power of functional medicine can be harnessed for high achievers who  want improvement. Perhaps they want to achieve a personal best in their sport or optimal brain function to get that promotion at work. Maybe they want to be their very best self with their family and friends.

Today I’m going to share with you how to find the right Functional Medicine Practitioner. Are they practising the five foundational aspects of functional medicine?

The first powerful foundation of functional medicine is taking a thorough history.

Conventional medicine always does a thorough medical history. However, Functional Medicine takes it one step further. We look at environmental exposures, toxins. Stresses and traumas you’ve had in your life. Even genetics. Using all of this information, we look at how multiple factors caused the manifestation of your symptoms.

The second powerful foundation of functional medicine is functional testing.

Conventional medicine tests levels. For example hormone levels, iron, white and red blood cells or liver enzymes. Functional Medicine takes it a step further. We look at why those levels are off. Looking at our body’s ability to absorb, lack of stomach enzymes, imbalance in the microbiome, bacteria and even parasites. Any or all of those things could be the root cause.

The third powerful foundation of functional medicine is a personalized approach. 

The order and timing of this protocol is specific for you as an individual.

Some people are very sensitive to change and some people are not. Constant communication and feedback that we get from you will help us support you along the way.

I see many people with the same symptoms and different root causes and vice versa, the same root cause with different symptoms. That is why it’s so important to have a personalized approach. Supervision throughout all of your protocols is vital to make sure it’s working for you. 

The fourth powerful foundation of functional medicine is mindset mastery.

Change is hard. It’s not about willpower, let that guilt go. In order for behaviour change to happen, it needs to happen on a physiological level. The most powerful and effective way to change physiology is through a shift in mindset.

Changing our mindset changes our biochemistry and our physiology. That creates long lasting behaviour change. It is one way that functional medicine is so different, because long term behaviour change has a huge impact on our ultimate long term health.

The last and most powerful foundation of functional medicine is the relationship between the doctor and the patient.

Feel seen. Feel heard. The true power of functional medicine is in its’ ability to inspire patients to be an active participant in their healing journey. If you’re seeing a specialist and are working with a holistic practitioner but still feel like there’s something in the middle missing, functional medicine is for you

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  • To help you inspire radical health change in your life and the lives of your loved ones, I have created a special guide: It contains tips about how to ditch the outdated Supermom mindset, how to build an awesome support system, and the daily habits that are the building blocks of good health. Simply click here to download the guide!

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The Uncomfortable Truth about Gluten and Your Health


The number one piece of information that I give before anyone starts working with me is the uncomfortable truth about gluten and your health. Yes, it is time to eliminate gluten. 

The most commonly associated symptoms with gluten sensitivity are gastrointestinal. These symptoms include constipation and diarrhea, gas and bloating, nausea and vomiting. But what you may not know is that more than 50% of gluten sensitivity symptoms are not gastrointestinal. These symptoms look like headaches, brain fog, joint pain, gait, issues like ataxia, neuropathy is an inflammation of nerves, even depression and anxiety.

The other thing that makes it so complicated is that people can have a delayed reaction to gluten. This can mean that it may take almost 72 hours for you to have a response. This is why it’s so difficult to ascertain whether you have a sensitivity to gluten or not.

Even if you don’t have any of these symptoms. It’s time for you to awaken to the uncomfortable truth about gluten and your health.

Gluten causes intestinal permeability in all humans.

Intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut, is when the cells of the gut lining start to get holes in them. These cells are there to protect you from the outside world and when they start to separate the consequence of this is leaky gut. Once we start to get particles into our bloodstream from our gastrointestinal tract that we don’t want there, this results in increased inflammation in the body.

Gluten directly impacts the lining of the gut through the production of a protein called Zonulin. This protein directly causes leaky gut! Some people can heal that gut permeability quicker than others. However, those that can’t heal as quickly are the ones that suffer from symptoms of gluten sensitivity.

Have you heard of non celiac gluten sensitivity?

You may have heard of celiac disease, but what you may not know is that non celiac gluten sensitivity is four times more common. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have celiac because gluten causes inflammation in all humans.

The only way to know if it’s affecting your day to day health is through an elimination. I recommend 30 days of eliminating gluten, 100%. One of two things will happen. Either your symptoms will lessen, and you’ll start to feel better. Or you won’t notice too much of a change, but upon reintroducing gluten, you’ll start to have symptoms that you didn’t know were there.

Either way, gluten is inflammatory to all people.

Gluten sets off your body’s alarm signals. When you ingest gluten, a cascade of inflammatory particles starts to be released by your body . Your body sees gluten as a dangerous stranger. This induces pro inflammatory cytokines, which are chemicals that damage our own cells. 

Gluten causes gut dysbiosis.

This is an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in the gut, abundant good bacteria is required to run the biochemistry of life. Gluten ingestion causes detrimental changes to the gut flora and this can predispose you to gut infections. When biohacking your health, the most impactful thing that you can do through your diet is to remove gluten.

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  • If you are interested to know how I can help you or a loved one, schedule a discovery call.
  • To help you inspire radical health change in your life and the lives of your loved ones, I have created a special guide: It contains tips about how to ditch the outdated Supermom mindset, how to build an awesome support system, and the daily habits that are the building blocks of good health. Simply click here to download the guide!

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