Pregnancy Care
Bosnar Health Practitioners
What is Pregnancy Care
At Bosnar Health, we consider healthcare for expectant mothers and their families in three stages: prenatal (before birth), the 4th trimester (the 6 weeks after birth) and postpartum (up to 6 months after birth). Pregnancy care with our team of experts will involve treatments and trainings to support a healthy pregnancy, labour and delivery for mom and baby…but that is just the beginning!
Prenatal Care
Pregnancy is a unique experience that can affect women in many ways. A healthy pregnancy increases the opportunity for a healthy birth. The mother is now providing for two and the body’s optimal function is critical for a baby’s healthy development. Our focus on prenatal care includes supporting a healthy lifestyle, relieving pain, preparation for labour and birth as well as preventing postpartum challenges. Decreasing risks during pregnancy and increasing the chance of a safe and healthy delivery, the prenatal services at Bosnar Health offer the community you need to be physically, emotionally and spiritually as ready as you and your family can be for the birth of your baby.
The 4th Trimester
The World Health Organization (WHO) describes the postnatal period as the most critical and yet the most neglected phase in the lives of mothers and babies. Honouring the “4th Trimester” by listening to your body and being with your new baby are of great importance. The mind and body are in a constant state of change, working towards physical healing, while dealing with hormonal changes, new emotions and adjusting relationships. You and your partner may be learning about new things like breastfeeding, changing diapers and that just covers the basics. At Bosnar Health, we have seen it all (almost) and can support you with any number of challenges you are experiencing. You may ask “Is this normal?” to which we reply “It IS normal, for you, today.” This stage is an important piece to developing your new family dynamic and ensuring that your family has the support it needs to be happy and healthy.
Postpartum Recovery Care
If you google the word “postpartum” it is almost surely followed by the word “depression” but being postpartum does not mean that you have postpartum depression! Every Mother’s experience with postpartum is different and this means the best preparation is to find guidance within your Community and support systems. You may find that you have bleeding and soreness, there may be struggles involving weight loss or energy levels. You may feel isolated or overwhelmed, maybe needing support with meal preparation, self-care, baby care or some old fashioned encouragement. Our team has all the skills you and your loved ones need to feel taken care of, supported and guided through the journey to parenthood.
Our Passions
Prenatal Care
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy treatments support with pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, pubic symphysis pain, lower back pain, lower abdominal and lower pelvic pain, pelvic floor muscle spasm and pain during vaginal exams. It will allow support learning how to relax pelvic floor muscles in preparation for vaginal delivery, learning labour and delivery positions that consider pre-existing injuries as well as learning how to minimize/prevent bladder leakage, prolapse, and diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation).
Chiropractic Care
This is a hands on treatment for any spinal misalignment or subluxation likely to cause an imbalance to the pelvic muscles and ligaments. Any contraction of the pelvic diameters that diminish the capacity of the pelvis may slow down or stop labour. This also occurs when the sacrum is displaced, sometimes causing the bony pelvis to become “deformed” by this trauma. If the bones of the pelvis are out of alignment, it will directly affect the way the uterus will be supported, reducing the maximum amount of room for the developing baby, also known as intrauterine constraint. In some instances, this restriction may prevent the baby from getting into the best possible position for birth.
Webster Technique
This technique is a specific Chiropractic adjustment used during the seventh through ninth months of pregnancy on mothers whose babies are presenting breech or transverse. Contributing to the ultimate goal of a safer and easier deliveries, the Webster technique balances ligaments and pelvic muscles, removing constraints that allow the baby to get into the best possible birthing position. Doctors of Chiropractic reported a greater than 85% success rate in allowing the baby to turn into the vertex position incorporating the Webster technique in their prenatal Chiropractic treatment.
Fertility & Labour Preparation Acupuncture
It is important to take the steps to boost your health even before attempting to get pregnant. We focus on improving your egg or sperm quality prior to getting pregnant in order to optimize a natural conception. Your personalized preconception plan may include a comprehensive lab analysis, dietary and lifestyle counselling, environmental toxin education, customized supplement protocols and stress reduction techniques. Prenatal acupuncture can be used for many different goals including inducing labour, treating pain during pregnancy, managing stress, labour preparation, inducing labour, turning a breech baby and treating nausea and vomiting.
For Booking: Acupuncture Initial Assessment
Prenatal Massage
Massage during pregnancy is essential for alleviating pain, improving circulation, reducing edema as well as reducing muscle tension and headaches. Relieving stress and supporting relaxation, a massage treatment will enhance your ability to get a good night’s rest.
For Booking: A Prenatal Massage Therapy Treatment
High Risk Pregnancy Massage
This treatment offers the same benefits of a prenatal massage but for the pregnancy that needs extra special care and attention.
For Booking: A High Risk Pregnancy Massage Therapy Treatment
The 4th Trimester
Massage for Breast Feeding
Breast massage for clogged ducts and/or mastitis can be an important piece to your comfort postpartum. This service is a great prevention technique but can also alleviate soreness in the moment. For Booking: A Massage Therapy Appointment (Ann Tustin)
Massage for C-sections & epidurals
This Massage treatment is offered when the incision is fully healed with a scar, generally following at least two weeks of recovery post-surgery. Most effective in the first two years post-incision, massage will decrease scar tissue build-up, improve blood flow, reduce swelling and numbness while increasing range of movement, allowing the scar to feel less restrictive and “tight”.
For Booking: A Massage Therapy Appointment (Ann Tustin)
Chiropractic Care
Hands on treatment can make all the difference while your body is adjusting following childbirth. Chiropractic can offer specific support for breastfeeding and latching including ultrasound treatments for blocked ducts and mastitis, Coccydynia, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, diastasis recti assessment, pelvic floor rehabilitation and persistent pelvic pain.
Acupuncture and moxibustion can help speed your postpartum recovery, regardless of how your baby was born. Honoring postpartum as a special time for bonding and healing, there are a few traditions we can carry on such as Mother Warming. Mother Warming is simple technique that uses a heat therapy called moxibustion. Postpartum, moxa is used to warm the lower abdomen and the low back to help speed recovery. Help stabilize emotions, stop night sweats and reduce perineal pain and scar pain too!
Postpartum Recovery Care
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
Treatment begins at 6 weeks postpartum after receiving the go ahead from your OBGYN. Your individual treatment plan is developed based on your particular postpartum needs. Treatment includes learning how to perform a correct kegel and when to do them as well as re-training “the core” and returning to safe exercise. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy also addressed Diastasis Recti (abdominal muscle separation), bladder leakage, overactive bladder, urinary urgency/frequency, prolapse of pelvic organs, painful scar tissue (perineal scar or C-section scar), painful intercourse and much more. Symptoms you are experiencing may be common, but don’t have to be normal. Let’s change our perception of what’s normal and start strengthening that pelvic floor!
Surgical Care Massage Therapy
This Massage treatment is offered when the incision is fully healed with a scar, generally following at least two weeks of recovery post-surgery. Most effective in the first two years post-incision, massage will decrease scar tissue build-up, improve blood flow, reduce swelling and numbness while increasing range of movement, allowing the scar to feel less restrictive and “tight”. This service is not covered by extended health care plans, as this practitioner is not registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.
For Booking: A Massage Therapy Appointment (Ann Tustin)
We may also recommend the following services:
Frequency Asked Questions
1. How do I know where to start?
Give us a call or book a discovery call with our Client Care specialist! We are happy to discuss your needs, the options available to you and get to know more about you and your family. Everyone’s experience with pregnancy is different and we want to make sure that you are taken care of. To learn more about what best suits your needs, call us at 416.487.9056.
2. Are the Bosnar Health Team specially trained in prenatal and postpartum care?
Each member of the Bosnar Health team of professionals who are listed on our pregnancy care page have received specific training in their field of practise for prenatal and/or postpartum treatment. Using combined knowledge and expertise, each patient is recommended for treatment that is specific to their individual needs.
3. Does the Bosnar Health team offer emotional support as well?
We offer a community of like-minded and family oriented Torontonians, as well as treatments that are designed to enhance feelings of wellbeing. When needed, we are happy to refer to any professionals outside of Bosnar Health who may be able to offer any additional emotional supports needed.
Bosnar Health
Our collaborative team blends world-class clinical expertise with an empathetic, patient-led approach.
Visit Us
155 Redpath Avenue
Toronto, ON
M4P 2K5
P: (416) 487-9056
F: (416) 487-6003