My Top 5 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide for That Special Someone

It took me less than one minute to prepare my Top 5 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide this year.
Unique AND Healthy gift ideas have been hard to come by in the past and I have a lot of patients asking me what they should be buying for their loved ones this year. As a doctor, it is important to me that the items I recommend are going to transform your home into a healing sanctuary. Luckily there are tons of amazing companies that are doing it SO right in 2020.
SO, let’s dive into why I created my Top 5 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide!
When your loved ones are struggling with their health, the holidays can be one of the most difficult times of the year. Coming up with special gift ideas year after year is tough enough! It is even more difficult when you want to make sure that anything you buy isn’t going to aggravate a condition, contribute to bad habits or even worse…be boring!
Over the past few years I have discovered tons of healthy, exciting holiday gifts! These presents are the gifts that keeps on giving. I’ve made sure to include options at different price points. These gifts will give you exactly the response you are looking for from the people you love, while improving their health.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When applicable, some of these Amazon purchases will be supporting TWO awesome small business owners!
For healthy AND awesome gifts this year, here is
My Top 5 Healthy Holidays Gift Guide

I love this spray! It’s filled with propolis and buckwheat honey and I love the kids spray even more! It is protecting and supportive of the immune system. This company has a bunch of products that everyone in my family truly loves, and tons of packaged options for multiple stocking stuffers or a whole kit for that special someone. Honestly, tons of options here for everybody!
Their cacao honey is body nourishing and healthy habit forming. Add a delicious dairy alternative to a tsp of this and you will be drinking the BEST HOT CACAO OF 2020 on a beautiful holiday morning with the whole family!
The Raw Bee Pollen is also one of our favourites to sprinkle into smoothie bowls, kombucha and more! Visit the BeeKeepers for more information.
Use PROMOCODE: bosnarhealth for 10% OFF!

I was introduced to this product by a colleague of mine. This is a thoughtful option for anyone who is looking to relax and decrease their stress. It is like a whistle that you blow and the tone of the GHZ is known as the Love Frequency. This breathing meditation device that calms the nervous system and supports being in a parasympathetic state.

This came out a couple of years ago and it is a biofeedback headband that you put on your head and it actually senses brainwaves, allowing you to learn to get better at meditation. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for other ways to destress and get into that relaxed state. Maybe meditation apps normally doesn’t work for them, or it takes too much time out of their day. The muse offers tons of different types and lengths of meditation. As you listen to your chosen soundtrack, the muse will offer various breathing techniques or visualizations to get you into that parasympathetic, healing state.

One of my absolute favourite biohacking purchases I made three years ago is this ring! The inside of the ring has little sensors that track biomarkers. For those of you sports enthusiasts, you may recall the NBA bubble used this tracker for a safe reopening and ended up using it as a tool to improve their game. This ring tracks heart rate variability, deep and REM sleep, average body temperature…the information it can give you is pretty amazing. For example, if you’re getting sleep, is it restful? Not only will this help level up anyone’s health, it is a great preventive tool as well.

This is an infrared sauna…that is portable! For those of you who have looked at big wooden saunas, you know they are quite pricey. This sauna can be folded up and put away which is great for anyone who doesn’t have the room for a large sauna, like if you live in a small condo space. This sauna also heats up quickly, offers the highest absorbable far infrared of any other on the market and less EMF near or around the body than other saunas. The far infrared rays are incredible for sweating, supportive of healing, detoxifying and some research shows it can also be good for weight loss as well. This is the healing gift that really does keep on giving!
Some of my other FAVOURITE healthy gifts include
Check out my video on December 3rd in The Bosnar Health Community Facebook Group as I do a deeper dive into these products and some of my other favourites! To join me and my team for live events, visit our Events Page.
by Dr. Kristina Bosnar
Chiropractic Doctor with a Special Interest in Perinatal & Pediatric Care
Advanced Clinical Training from the Institute of Functional Medicine in
Cognitive Decline
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