
Simple Secrets to Biohacking Colic

A new mom’s biggest fear is that her child will develop colic. However, colic is not linked to any condition. Colic is said to be when a baby is crying uncontrollably for 2-3 hours, usually later in the day. Many moms are told by health professionals that there is nothing you can do. In my experience treating babies for 20+ years, I have found that to be incredibly shortsighted. My simple secrets to biohacking colic should be used by every Mom and I can’t wait to hear how they work for you!

Simple Secret #1 Checking The Latch

Checking the latch is one of the first steps I always take when biohacking colic.

When a baby is improperly latching while breastfeeding, they may be consuming a lot of air. Throughout the day this air builds up in their belly and by the mid afternoon or early evening, their belly becomes distended. Hence, your baby begins to cry. 

When breastfeeding, you shouldn’t hear any clicking or see any milk dribble out of your babies mouth while they are nursing. If your baby is slipping off the latch or biting you a lot, it could be related to a tongue tie. At this point, it is important to use a lactation consultant or health professional for support to address the tongue tie and latching.

If you have a baby that is bottle feeding, the same thing can happen. When you tilt your bottle at too high an angle, your baby may be guzzling the milk and getting too much air. Make sure you are taking regular breaks and burping your baby to avoid this. 

Simple Secret #2 Gassy Foods & Formulas

When you have a breastfed baby, there are specific foods that are known to make babies gassy. However, there is more to be aware of! It is important to consider if there are foods that are making you gassy. Any foods that are causing you gas will be doing the same for your body. It is time to bring some awareness to what you are consuming and cut out those gassy foods.

My top foods to avoid during breastfeeding that may be causing uncomfortable gas are dairy and cruciferous veggies. In my practice, avoiding these foods during breastfeeding has relieved many babies (and parents) of the dreaded colic.

When your baby is bottle fed, it is important to check for the ingredients in your formula. You may want to switch the formula you are using. The top two ingredients I recommend to avoid if this is the case, are dairy and soy based formulas.

Simple Secret #3 Proper Napping

My napping rule for new babies is that sleep begets sleep. If your baby is not getting the appropriate amount of naps during the day, they may be cranky and irritated later on.

It seems intuitive to keep them up in the day so that they will sleep more soundly at night. Unfortunately, this is not the case with a baby. During the first 8 weeks, it is important to make the baby’s environment conducive to napping every 45-60 minutes. When you give the baby an opportunity to have a nap, and avoid over stimulation, you will have a baby that is less cranky at night. This will allow them to sleep soundly and avoid the hours of crying before bedtime.

These are the 3 simple and powerful steps to biohacking colic that have been the secret to my success pediatric practitioner. I look forward to learning about what worked best for you!

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Thyroid healing: the specific testing and simple actions you need

Are you desperate to uncover the cause of constipation, brain fog and hair loss? Well, thyroid dysfunction could be the cause of those symptoms and you don’t even know it! Luckily, there are effective ways to approach thyroid healing. 

I see a lot of patients suffering from thyroid concerns in my practice. Similarly, I am also seeing those same concerns in younger patients than ever before. However, health care practitioners often dismiss thyroid dysfunction. In fact, test results may come back within ‘normal range’ after completing conventional thyroid testing.

Test – Don’t Guess

Above all, testing is the only way to rule out thyroid dysfunction. Unfortunately, traditional testing is insufficient for potential diagnosis and treatment. 

Firstly, traditional tests may not reveal thyroid dysfunction. When conventional blood marker test results (TSH and T4) are within normal range thyroid dysfunction is often dismissed.

When test results are abnormal, conventional care doesn’t treat the root cause of abnormal results. All thyroid dysfunction is treated the same way regardless of the root cause.

Functional Medicine does specific testing to recognize the root cause of thyroid dysfunction. Addressing the root cause of thyroid dysfunction is vital for long term healing.

Functional Medicine testing looks at the T4 conversion to T3 or Reverse T3.  This includes antibody testing, specifically Anti-TPO and Anti TG. This testing determines either slow functioning thyroid or autoimmune thyroiditis. Long term healing is dependant on a different approach to the standard of care for each root cause. 

Autoimmune Thyroiditis: Where to start healing

My top tip for patients who are suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis is to stop eating gluten. Removing gluten from your diet is the most effective effort you can make in your thyroid healing journey.

Gluten affects thyroid health because of molecular mimicry. Our thyroid cells have a similar molecular structure to a protein in Gluten, also known as Gliadin. When the immune system gets revved up, molecular mimicry can cause it to attack any cell that appears like it doesn’t belong. Unfortunately, this often means an attack on our own thyroid cells. 

Removing gluten gives your immune system a chance to calm down. This action is a great way to begin thyroid symptom management.

Slow Functioning Thyroid: Where to start healing

Nourish your body and thyroid! Your body needs specific minerals to support the conversion from T4 to T3. There are foods you can easily add to your diet to support this process. Selenium and zinc are incredible for thyroid health.

Include more selenium rich foods like brazil nuts and macadamia nuts.

Include more zinc containing foods like red meats, oysters or pumpkin seeds.

Thyroid Healing & Supplements

There are tons of great targeted thyroid supplement formulas. These supplements include the specific minerals and nourishment your thyroid needs.

I always say, you can’t out supplement a bad diet. However, short term targeted supplementation is an excellent support. Supplements, in combination with long term diet change, is great way to begin your thyroid healing journey!

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  • To help you inspire radical health change in your life and the lives of your loved ones, I have created a special guide: It contains tips about how to ditch the outdated Supermom mindset, how to build an awesome support system, and the daily habits that are the building blocks of good health. Simply click here to download the guide!

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